The Great 12 Gallon Long


New Member
Couple of birds eye view shots.




I would love to see what you turn your 12G into.


New Member
Quick Update:
My Riccia Rocks have been pulled from the tank. They no longer want to play nice and I was getting tired of playing pool boy every other day.

I also did a big hacking trim, since going to the GSAS auction. I had lots of fun at this event. My wife went to police my bidding. So I didn't get a chance to go to crazy like Poke. =)

I believe I saw a few of you folks there. I'm sorry I didnt get a chance to introduce myself. Perhaps at the next event.





Score some beautiful Staurogyne repens and Alternanthera reineckii.


Here is the right side with the S. repens in place. The glosso has been in rough shape late. I dont think I've been dosing enough. I've been using the Seachem flourish products and followed the weekly dosing chart but just realized I under calculated my doses. Not good the glosso have been suffering because of it.


Everything looks pretty rough after the trimming but I've upped my doses correctly so I hope to get them back to being green and lush again.

Full shot after rescape.

I've ordered some dry ferts. and Thanks to Jacko for putting it in my head. I'm going to start doing the EI dosing popularised by Tom Barr. We'll see how it goes. =)


Active Member
Good luck with the dry ferts! I WAY over-dosed my tanks with dry ferts starting with the EI dosing according to this site:

Granted, your tank is way fancier than mine (CO2 and all), but my advice is to be careful. I have my dosing back where it should be now and all is well again, thankfully.

HUGE money saver though - definitely the way to go.

Riccia didn't like me either... not worth the trouble.

Your tank is looking great! :cheers: Please continue to post updates.


New Member
binbin9 said:
BillHN said:
Did I mention your tank looks amazing?
Thanks Bill. Did you end up with some good stuff from the auction?
Me and my wife were seated behind Angelo and next to lamental jester and another fish boxer!
I had loads of fun man! I bought a bunch of stuff for my tanks and now I have A boat load of chems!! I scored two test kits for ten bucks. Along with a beautiful branch of manzanita woos from graham. And some Madonrona from my friend Tanya! I met a bunch of cool people,and went on a nice fish adventure in china town, for my first trip to Seattle!

I spent a hundred but got way more than my money's worth.


New Member
Thats awesome. None of my friends are into the hobby so, when I get a chance to chat with other hobbyist, it annoys my wife bcuz I'll end up going for hrs. :D

Hopefully I'll see you guys at the next event.
binbin9 said: annoys my wife bcuz I'll end up going for hrs.
It's hard to balance wives and the fish hobby, or any hobby for that matter, if you're really passionate about it. I've learned that if my wife shows any interest at all in part of my hobby, besides just enjoying the fruits of my labors with my aquaria, I try to do it for her. EG when we were at Wet Spot she fell in love with the 12g Mr. Aqua bookshelf tank. It was $75 and I cringed at the price of the tank...a little over $6/gallon. I seldom pay over $1/gallon because I buy mine used. It's probably the best money I've ever spent for or with her. It's HER tank and I maintain it for her; and I maintain it the way she wants it done. She loves it. I love it, and now I have little problem with her about the time I spend with my fish.

Another thing I did was when we moved, I told her I wanted to our den where we watch TV arranged so we can have aquaria in it. I used to have a fish room and spent a lot of time in it in the evenings while she watched TV and wanted me in there with her. So I got rid of my rack of breeding tanks and now I keep the tanks as showy tanks as much as I can. So while the TV is on I'm in there with her and I can mess with my fish and we're all together...Linda, the fish, the dog, and I!

So I give up my breeding and now go for décor. And we're both happy campers!


New Member
I am totally smitten with your tank...what a great looking gathering of plants. Everything looks so healthy and happy. I'm in awe...truly


New Member
binbin9 said:
Thats awesome. None of my friends are into the hobby so, when I get a chance to chat with other hobbyist, it annoys my wife bcuz I'll end up going for hrs. :D

Hopefully I'll see you guys at the next event.
I think I spent like.... 2 hours maybe more at PB's and Shawns' before lol.
Talking to fellow hobbyists can be fun, but it takes a toll on my wife, she was happy seeing PBmax's setup (she really liked seeing the baby panda cories).
lol My way of keeping my wife entertained while I become engrossed in the hobby, is to give her something to look at while I'm busy chatting with my fish people xD.

As long as I can keep her mind preoccupied, she's happy lol!
Like at the auction, we had a bunch of cool stuff to look at, and afterwards there were some cool people to talk to and we ended up going on a nice fish adventure, and even went to china town in Seattle (this was my first time in Seattle). I was like.... THE HILLS... NOOOOOOO.....

Btw, what's the BPM's on the Co2? And if you're ever looking to sell some of that riccia :D


New Member
I used to love going to the china pet stores. I used to buy a bunch of bettas and flower horns and a couple of aros.

Now Im more partial to the places like a the fish store and midway pets. Where there's a decent selection of plants and shrimps.

I haven't checked my BPM since I've gotten my drop checker in the tank. As long as it stays about a lime green color everyone in the tank is happy. I have gertrudaes, ottos, ghost shrimp to eat the left over flakes, neon tetras, CRS, Amanos, and cherries in the tank. They all seem to be doing good.

I also do the seachem dosing and surprisingly the cherries still managed to breed in there. I found a couple of little ones crawling through the HC the other day.

I've sold off the trimmings but still do have a small bit of riccia. about half a handful floating in my 35. I'll ship it to you at no cost for the riccia just pay the shipping. PM me if you are interested. I can probably throw in a couple nodes of pennywort too since I've got a good bit growing in my emersed setup.

As a side note I have a Utricularia graminifolia (UG) emersed project I just started. =) more to come on that in a separate thread.


Active Member
Nice Photo! :)

My pennywort growing in my 29g so it has an ugly layer of diatoms all over it. I need to reboot that tank... :( I had it in there for quarantine - if I don't see any hydra in the tank I'll divvy it up among my happier tanks and see how it does there. That's my general approach to plants - chances are they'll survive in at least one of my tanks :D


New Member
Good approach, sounds like the pt is never give up.

Since upping my doses to the correct amt and since making the shift over to IE. I've already noticed some of the plants showing a vast improvement.

The Alternanthera reineckii has sprouted some new super red leaves. Notice how the middle leaves are so much brighter compared to the lower ones.

I love the color of this plant.

Since the big trim, the Rotala indica has also shown some beautiful new hues of purple that I havent seen it grow before. The leaves look almost like a field of purple flowers.

Some star grass that hitch hiked from a shrimp shipment has also shown good growth and is splitting into new stems.

Another plant that was a hitch hiker. (Water sprite) has begun to dance and it's trying to steal the show at the center of the tank.

My newest plant! Some UG (Utricularia graminifolia). I actually have no room for this new plant so the majority of the plant is being grown emersed so it can spread. I'll eventually add it to another tank when I get a chance to do a larger planted tank with a bit more room to grow a wider array of species.

Close up on the dwarf baby tears which are making a very nice recovery.

And a bit of a preview on my emersed UG.


Active Member
Outstanding! It's good to see your plants on the upswing. I really need to start using my emersed tubs for something other than garden seed starts. The tomatoes are growing nicely.... :D


Active Member
Haha, nice! My spinach is growing out in the garden ;) That reminds me - I need to go pick a bunch more "organic" nettle leaves across the street.