The 125 "Redux"


New Member
Returned the gars to the pet store. They simply eat to many of the feeders. Even at $10 for 60, I can't afford to keep them fed. The tank seems happy now.

Three Ropes
Three Bala Shark
Five Green Tiger Barbs
Four Alb Bristle nose Pleco
Two Banjo catfish (aka, Dead Cats)

In a 125, I think I managed to not overstock, and leave room for a few more ropes in the next few months.

Test readings are all zero except the typical trace nitrate. PH is still higher than I like, but it will come down over time.


New Member
And three more baby ropes (less than 6" make the family complete!!

We did lose one of the smaller Bala sharks tho' he had been beat up by the gars, and lived through the hell of being rescued from the tank when it went toxic.

The three new rope babies came from Midway this afternoon, and have adapted to their new home like pros. It's funny to see all six trying to get into the same hollow log. There are multiple hides in the tank, but they all want to be together in the same one.

The tank tests are all on spot perfect.


New Member

Two out of six of my ropes hangin out in their favorite hiding spot.

The tank is running well and has it's host of happy fishes.


New Member
The ropes have all learned that this crock skull is where I put the blackworms for them. Anytime I open the center lid, they all head for the skull, even before the worms are there. My two baby albino Senegals have their own feeding spot in the front corner under the big sword plants. So they make a fast path to the corner any time the tank lids open too.



New Member

The baby Sens hanging out in their corner. For critters in the Bichir family, these two are very mellow and peaceful, even when feeding.