Thanks button on does that work?


New Member
Just saw the Thanks button on the posts....has that always been there or is that new? How does that work? and OK for all of you laughing at me...I really don't know if it's been there...sometimes you don't see the forest for the trees...LOL


New Member
Maybe it only shows up for the there is a thanks button on your post now Gryphon...I'm gonna click it...let me know if anything happens on your end.. :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Cichlid-gal, the Thanks button should only show up for you, the original poster. I think you can thank the best answer to your question by clicking on that button and (if Cory has it set up that way) the thanked message will change to a different color.

And no, it hasn't always been there, unless I missed it too. :D 


Well-Known Member
Staff member
No the thank you button has not been there it is new. It is only visible to the original poster and it is designed to say thanks basically, for example if someone posts a bunch of pictures and then gets several comments, instead of going in and physically saying thanks Bill thanks Jun thanks Ted they can just click the thank you button on each one of those posts and it will tag those individuals and let them know that you said thank you for their comment.


Staff member
Yeah the thank you button is new. From my testing so far, it seems you can only thank 1 person per thread.

What this button does is help us see who is being helpful etc. In the future I can see how many thank yous being rewarded with forum titles, prizes from sponsors and possibly mod privileges if and when we need more mods.

The most important thing is it keeps the forum friendly and encourages us to help each other :)