Summer Tubbin Thread


New Member
Not sure Kara. Sorry for ur fish loss. I kinda take the path of let nature take its course in my pond as that is part of my experience last year I had fish but no baby survivors maybe it was dragonflys. I don't know but I do know my pond is for enjoying not worrying. Lol so what will be will be with it. I currently have minnows, shiners, and goldfish in it. Not sure what will be left at the end of the season time will tell


Lol yeah ponds are for enjoying! ! Mine are tubs of greenish water. Mostly for fish breeding. I was hhoping to have plenty of endlers by the end of summer to sell and set up inside.


Staff member
So I'm an absolute failure, I haven't really put out any fish this year. But I have learned lots about daphnia!

Shot a video of my daphnia ponds today. I ran out of memory on my phone so that's why it just stops.

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Staff member
Feeding time.

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Its October tomorrow. I deemed it finally time to start bringing fish inside. What was out there you ask? I don't even know. I do know I brought in a lot of tiny fish spices in the pea soup. I know 2 of the adult females survived and I think I finally lost the original yellow male :( but he seems to have had lots of kids because every male I've spotted is mostly yellow lol Brought the water in in buckets for an empty tank and now the tub is sitting in my back-door-room-supposed-to-be-the-dining-room-room with somewhere between 5 and 10 gallons in it because i don't wanna bring the gunk in(to the new tank), but I keep finding fish living in that gunk. so there it sits until I have more time to sift it or give up and dump it in lol Now that they're inside YAY I will have a quarantine again soon cause these guys are from the same line as what's in my quarantine idk why they never made it outside. Will steal hubbys phone to show ya peasoup!