

New Member
I saw this growing in a show tank in LA and there's so many forms it takes that I think it's one of the coolest liverworts out there.  I've seen it dark green in free flowing form, I've seen it look like a clump of brain matter and translucent, but I actually really like how they get undulated and clump together sometimes like how mine are doing.  I just stuck a bunch into an opening in the driftwood and let it do it's thing.  As a Landscaper, I like watching landscape mature over time and the less I have to do, the better.


Admin said:
I find the less light the better with that plant. It might be because it has less to compete with with less light, but it'll seriously grow without any light lol.
So, months have gone by. For the most part this stuff is strung out  in pieces floating around getting stuck in plants. These are the pieces I have been sharing with other members. I notice this plants growth is different if it's under direct light, or in shade. I noticed today in a dark corner some Subwassertang has attached itself to a piece of wood. This piece in the shadows has sparked my interest because it's dark, and tightly compacted, and not all stringy like the pieces Chilling in full light.  I am hoping it will make itself around the whole piece of wood. It would look pretty cool taking the space where no other plant has grown.

Here is a picture of what it looks like. This isn't my actual plant but it looks just like it.
Okay, so there's something that I need to get of my chest here... it that bugs the crap out of me is when people call it subwassertang. There's no B in the spelling! In german the 'ß' character is pronounced as a double 's' sound. The closest English approximation would be to spell it as Süsswassertang. I feel better now!
It's like when some people call Anubias as Anubis, or Anubas... lol
I will be honest, I used to pronounce subwassertang with a B, and I'm still trying to get out of the habit of saying it that way. =P
PokeSephiroth said:
It's like when some people call Anubias as Anubis, or Anubas... lol
I will be honest, I used to pronounce subwassertang with a B, and I'm still trying to get out of the habit of saying it that way. =P
I'm bored at work and have too much time on my hands, so I made this for you:



Well, I spelled it the way its spelled on the internet. Y'all can pronounce it anyway you want. Its kind of funny though, I can totally see how that would get mixed up.

90% of the time I get the pronunciations of plants and fish wrong anyway, lol!! The weird azz names ppl come up with anyway, gezz...
fishNAbowl said:
Well, I spelled it the way its spelled on the internet. Y'all can pronounce it anyway you want. Its kind of funny though, I can totally see how that would get mixed up.

90% of the time I get the pronunciations of plants and fish wrong anyway, lol!! The weird azz names ppl come up with anyway, gezz...
oh i know! just giving everyone a hard time  :p i sound like an autistic chimp when i try to stumble over some of the latin names


New Member
bronzefighter said:
oh i know! just giving everyone a hard time  :p i sound like an autistic chimp when i try to stumble over some of the latin names
I pretty much dont try. If I cant figure it out I just rename them... for instance "Laetacara araguaiae." Just too damn hard to say to people so I have named them the smiley fish lol. I figure if I goto a lfs or swap and want something they will be able to figure it out. If not then I just look elsewhere. I figure if someone ever gets snippy with me for not being able to say it correctly I can offer to them that they wont be able to say it at all if their jaw is wired shut. Its my pet peeve.

I suspect thats why alot of plants and fish have common names. Too many pissed off aquarists with their tongues tied. So maybe I should just stick to aquatics with common names eh? lol
bronzefighter said:
PokeSephiroth said:
It's like when some people call Anubias as Anubis, or Anubas... lol
I will be honest, I used to pronounce subwassertang with a B, and I'm still trying to get out of the habit of saying it that way. =P
I'm bored at work and have too much time on my hands, so I made this for you:

I did something similar to that graphic you made, we even used the same anubias photo. LOL!!


(Source: )


New Member
I still want an anubis in my fish tank... I promise I will clean up after his messes and keep the mummification to a minimum.