Random little red shrimp


New Member
I have about 7 ghost shrimp and one good sized bamboo shrimp in my 75g, but today I saw a little, bright orangeish/red spot at the bottom of the tank, so I look closer.... When I get down to see what it is, it's what appears to be a baby cherry red shrimp ( I think that's what they're called). No fans like the bamboo shrimp, but not clear like the ghost shrimp. Do baby ghost shrimp turn red when young? Maybe it is a bamboo shrimp and the fans will appear later in time? I'll try to get a picture of this little guy, but he hides 90% of the time. Any experienced shrimp keepers out there that can solve my shrimpy mystery?


New Member
I doubt the shrimp is a baby bamboo shrimp, they need brackish water for the larvae stages to mature into a shrimp. My opinion is you may have made a fish purchase or plant purchase and had a hitch hicker and didnt know it. It definetly sounds like a cherry shrimp that you have, since that is one that I breed.


New Member
Wouldn't doubt that it's a red cherry, especially if you've gotten any new plants or fish in the last month or two... they're very good at hitching a ride to places they shouldn't be.

Every time I get rid of moss out of my hillstream tank I probably lose between 6 and 10 rcs even after a very good shaking in the tank...


New Member
Jacko said:
Wouldn't doubt that it's a red cherry, especially if you've gotten any new plants or fish in the last month or two... they're very good at hitching a ride to places they shouldn't be.

Every time I get rid of moss out of my hillstream tank I probably lose between 6 and 10 rcs even after a very good shaking in the tank...
nice dude
I'll buy java moss of you but has to come with the shrimp lol