ram aggizzi


New Member
are rams or aggizzi dwarf ciclids easier to care for and breed :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:


I have heard rams can be a little challenging because its hard to get foods small enough for the fry. I think I read 2 day old brine shrimp are to large for free swimming fry at first. But I'm not a dwarf cichlid expert, we have one here though. I'm sure they will chime in.


New Member
I've raised bolivian ram fry. I left part in a heavily planted community tank with the parents.
the other ones were in a 10 gallon by themselves. I fed the ones by themselves first bites and then switched to fresh hatched brine shrimp. Don't remember any in the 10 gallon dying. The
ones in the community tank had to forage.

I think the ones that had to forage in planted tank got bigger. I ended up with about 70 or so making it to breeding size. I had a bunch of free swimmers in community tank last week. Mom
went off her rocker and ate them.

I'm not trying to breed them anyway. I think the worst predator in my tank besides the dwarf
frog is the parents.