pulcher colony, occies, 20L ???????



Title says it... is this a no no? I don't know a lot about africans so I'm asking here. Hoping some of you african pros can chime n.


I have 5, the biggest still only like 2". I wanted to keep something with them. Figured occies have the rep. And the pulcher are still young. Figured if I was going to introduce some new fish, now is the time. So you think it'll work?


Right now the pilcher are with my multies, but the multies will be going into there own tank soon. I really want occies in here with the pulchers. I need to get a little more of that lava rock to give the pulcher more room. I would like to give the pulchers about 3/5 of the tank. And have a nice small grouping of shells in the other corner, with a shell here and there throughout the rest of the tank. That's the plan as it is now. Just need to move the multies, and get the occies. I want to do it at the same time so that the pulcher don't get used to having there own tank. So occies and pulcher??????? Thoughts, experiances?

Btw here's a video of the tank right now:


New Member
Pulcher are too aggressive

if your pulcher grows and pair up, they will become too agressive for your occies, personal experience.


Thank you, I was hoping that with the occies reputation for being able to handle themselves. Coupled with the shells to retreat to if the pulchers come at them. That things would work out. So you have done this before and are telling me it won't? K. I will have to scratch the occies then. Again thanks.


New Member
just my two cents, but once those pulcher breed anything in the tank is a goner. plecos, large fish, small fish, ur fingers... it really doesnt matter to them. i wish you luck in your decision


I said I would scratch the occies... I don't want to try. If there's a risk I'm not gonna take it.


New Member
My recollection is that once pulchers pair up and spawn they'll corner most anything at the other end of the tank and it usually ends up removed, or dead. Otherwise I'd definitely have a pair of daffodils in my Tang. community.


Well if you need just 1 for your community, let me know. I will give you one of the unmatched ones after a pair is formed from my 5.


New Member
I may take you up on that. Especially after we finally migrate these guys to the 300g. I just can't imagine fish that small causing problems in a tank that size. LOL


I hear they are fine as singles, just not when there paired. I was kinda hoping the occies with their fierce rep, would be able to stand the presure though. But I'm sure I will have another outcast when a pair has formed. I pulled my first outcast for my community tank because there such good looking fish. And I have read there pretty chill if not mating.