PokeSephiroth's Adventures in the Art of Wabi Kusa (Pic Heavy)

Well, I've been really fascinated at the idea of doing a Wabi Kusa tank for a while now, and finally got the chance to do it! . . . . sorta.

The more I think about it, the more I think it's a Kokedama, than Wabi Kusa, however... I WILL NOT GIVE UP! My journey in this art form has definitely kept me motivated to learn more about it!

I'll see if I can get some better glass containers to work with. I want something that's more like a dish, but deep... I know what I want, so it's just a matter of finding it :DI will start growing some of my aquatic plants immersed, maybe some crypts, or anubias, or some stem plants... mermaid weed maybe? Who knows. Possibilities are endless! :D

For now, I've started with terrestrial plants first... kinda "testing the waters" to see how *green* my thumb really is, before I start doing something with aquatic plants grown immersed. :D

Keep in mind, this is NOT exactly the way how you're supposed to do a Wabi Kusa... which is probably why it's more of a Kokedama... anywho...

Protasparagus setaceus (aka Asparagus Fern)
Neantha Bella (aka Parlor Palm)

Dirt/Potting Soil
Red Clay
Sphagnum Moss
Cotton Thread (Black)

- I mixed the potting soil, dolomite, potash, bits of red clay, and water... I kinda just eye balled all the ingredients... I made sure I didn't use a lot of water... just enough to make the soil become moist. I mixed and squeezed all the stuff together so that the soil turned into a "clay-ish" consistency. I set it aside to let everything "settle" so to speak. Then rolled some into balls.

- Took the plants and took off as much of the soil as I could, to expose the roots... makes separating the plants MUCH easier.

- I split the dirt ball I made, and placed the plant in the middle, and placed the other half of the dirt ball back... squeezed it REALLY WELL to make sure that it was nice and firm.

- Next, I rolled the dirt ball in some Sphagnum Moss, compacted it more, and added more Sphagnum Moss to any patches that still had some exposed dirt. Then I got some thread, and tied it all around the ball to make everything nice and secure. Looks pretty now!

- I accidentally made the first one too big, definitely wouldn't fit in the glass container I had originally planned to put it in... thankfully I do have a larger glass container for this large one.

- There we go... much smaller... much better! :D
**** At this point, this is where you would start to attach more plants within the spagnum moss and thread...since I don't have any other plants or java moss, that will have to wait. =P

- Add em into your container, add some substrate, decorate, presto! :D

I'm now at the point where I just...wait everything out... and perhaps add more plants WHEN I trim my aquatic plants... I'll most likely have to transfer the Wabi Kusa balls to a bigger container... or maybe just keep them as is, and just make MORE, improved Wabi Kusa balls :D!!! WHO KNOWS!!! Hahahaha!!

-=Video Tutorial=-
[flash=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/v/0fD3GWyWY20" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]
Just saw this, AND NOW I AM DETERMINED DO MAKE SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted, I am well aware that this is NOT Wabi Kusa Style... =P


WHOLEY crap that's coOl. I wanna do Wassabbi cabusa toO!

Awesome Poke. Thanks for sharing this too. I had no idea this stuff was out there. Even though I was kidding up top, I am gonna look into this. Again, awesome!!!


New Member
They look beautiful Angelo. Let us know how they fair and what the maintenance is like...ie. do you have to spray them everyday, are you adding ferts to the water at all? Just wonder how that will all work.
Thanks everyone!! :)They're really fun to make (and very addicting to make! Hah!)

Donna: As far as fertilizers are concerned... I'm guessing that you don't have to dose any liquid ferts at all, since the soil should provide more than enough ferts (along with the dry ferts I added into the soil) . . . so I think it should last for a while (kinda like a dirted tank can last without any ferts for a long time)...

By then, I'm sure the plants would have outgrown the wabi kusa ball, and you'll have transplanted some of the plants elsewhere =P

Here's yet another Wabi-Kusa, this time with aquatic plants!

I'm currently editing a video on how to make a Wabi Kusa... it's currently rendering as we speak... once that's done, I will upload it, and share it on here! Be warned though, it's a pretty lengthy video, 30 something minutes. LOL
Thanks Betty and fishNAbowl!

Video is finally up. I fell asleep while it was rendering and uploading... so I had to finish it this morning. LOL... Anywho... here it is! Enjoy!

[flash=425,350]http://www.youtube.com/v/0fD3GWyWY20" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true[/flash]


Nicely done. I googled Wabi Kusa to see others work. I really like yours and how you used ferns and what looks like other terrestrial plants. I do like the others where just aquatic plants are used and grown emersed however the terrestrial fern is a preference in appearance to me . I notice many of my mosses will grow half in half out and Anubias will do so as well. So, I am getting ideas for making one with plants I have :)this is a really neat project for those interested in plants. Thanks for sharing!
fishNAbowl: .......quit, STOP MAKING ME BLUSH!! Gosh you guys!!  :drunken: 

I'm glad I was able to spark some interest in this way of scaping. Wabi-Kusa has definitely been something I've wanted to try for the longest time now...

Unfortunately, the last wabi-kusa I did, didn't turn out as well as I thought it would... I'm thinking I didn't allow the plants to transition long enough to emersed growth... even though I have plastic wrap over the container, they kinda just...died off... HOWEVER... I am not discouraged! :) Some of the plants are still doing well, so maybe it's just kinda hit and miss with which plants you can use. Who knows. hahahaha!!

Alas... I shall take pictures and maybe some video of the good, and the bad. =P

Stay tuned.