PokeSephiroth's 120 Gallon Breeder Tank

Well, I decided to go down the fake planted path once again. This time, I went all out and bought some really nice looking plastic plants. I was amazed to find ones that were 30" long! Crazy! It makes my aquarium look so small! But at least the tank has more depth and hiding spots for my fish! Anyway... here's a video of how it looks!

Sit back, and relax :) Use it as a screensaver! Hahaha!

Thanks, DMD123!
I'm gonna have to get some of those amazon sword plants from penn-plax! I love them! Thanks again for the info!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Nice community! And so peaceful. :D

I'm also a big fan of fake plants, but even those start to look pretty battered in my tanks. :roll:
Thank you, Betty! I really lucked out with all the fish being compatible. There are some that like to hide, like the Green Mask Pugnax Betta, and the various clown and yoyo loaches (except that huge monsterous yoyo loach that you can see in the video).

Other fish that like to hide are the Two Spotted Catfish, and the three giant Striped Raphael Cats.