Oscar died dont know why????


New Member
So my Oscar died this morning couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. He looked lethargic and act like he couldn't swim layed on his side. He would get these spasms in his tail and then bang his head on the lid as if he were trying to jump out. ...would not eat. Sad I had him forever. I want to get another oscar but am afraid want to know why he died before I try another Oscar anyone have an idea what it might have been???


New Member
So I looked up some videos on youtube and I think he might have had swim Bladder. Which makes it even worse knowing that I could have actually possibly saved him. Now im mad ehh


New Member
I dont know much about oscars... but i do know they are super hardy fish..... I always keep meds around for bloat/swim blatter etc.... just in case! Metro+ works really well for almost all fish diseases.... even HITH, so if you plan on keeping another oscar you know what to keep :)

think you are using this tank to switch to africans though right???


New Member
It definitely sounds like swim bladder. What's your tank look like? What inhabitants? How many gallons? How long was he acting funny? Was his tummy swollen at all? Was he pooping still? Was he COMPLETELY on his side, or just kind of resting?


New Member
You say it had spasms? Could have had internal parasites. I lost my Wild-Caught Festae to internal parasites. It had severe spasms (swim uncontrollably, bang head into tank, etc..).
Were these spasms instead flashing?

I have a lot of the same questions as the previous posters.

I don't think it's swim bladder. I think internal parasites (loss of appetite).