Opinions on these lights...


New Member
Did you get this unit yet?

If not you might want to go with this one.
The t-5 actinics will really bring out the colors of the coral. It will also allow you to simulate dawn and dusk by setting the lighting schedule for the actinics to come on for an hour or so before the halide and then stay on for an hour or so after the halide is shut off. Bigger reason is the color it gives to the coral. Really pretty.


New Member
Yeah I already got them. Wish I had saw your comment sooner because you are right and no, it is not a bad price at all. I am just happy I finally found lights.


New Member
So I can take it that you are happy with them? I only have a 29 gallon tank and need to get some t5's or 150W Halide


New Member
Yes I am happy with them so far. I ended up finding them on ebay (same ones) for a little cheaper. The only thing is they do not come with directions for stands (legs), but my husband easily figured it out. If you decide to get some I can explain to you in detail how to put the legs on.


New Member
Wouldn't go for cheap will cost you in the long run, icecap or ATI if thats the T5 direction

First choose what you want to keep in your tank, otherwise you'll spend a lot more in the long run.

My .02


Do NOT go with the Odyysea or any of the other lights they sell on aquatraders. Its taken me 2 lights from them, first a MH/Compact Florescent and an LED setup to learn that they sell garbage. The MH/CF was a great light, almost overkill in its wattage, BUT it had all sorts of other issues that made the price tag very much not worth it. Now I have the beamworks LED, which my corals did not like, so I rushed out and purchased a Marineland LED and they seem to be responding a lot better to that one. So all in all just stay away from anything on that website, the savings today isn't worth the headaches down the road!!!!


New Member
Ive never had a bad exp with odyysea or aquatraders... currently using there lights now... work great.... also used some lights for a planted discus tank, plants grow like mad after switching to there lights... so I have nothing bad to say about them, and there price is unbelievalbe!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Every light I own is Odyssea, and all working great. You must have just had some bad luck. Or maybe stay away from aquatraders. I get all of mine off Ebay.


The issue with the metal halide was that the bulbs where next to impossible to change and every time I bumped it or tried to move it, say to do maintenance it would short out, so then I'd have to take it off and remove all the panels to adjust the bulbs, which would then work again. It was just really frustrating to me and not having a consistent reef light is not what I wanted to deal with. Like I said, the light was a great light and almost overkill on the wattage. I think it was one of those things were you buy it and then see the "name brand" version with its conveniences and ease of use. The LED from beam works looks fine and and works just like the marineland replacement I had to buy, but something about the intensity of the LEDs used or something, just hard to trust ratings that come from a Chinese company, I just feel they are never what they say they are. Just my thoughts :)


New Member
Oddysea units are kinda cheaply made, but all in all they are good units. I would replace the lights with a higher end lights like ATI T-5s and Phoenix halide bulbs.

30" is really hard to find in a good unit that will get you the watts you need. You might need to look for a 24" halide & T5 pendant .