one of my many new additions


New Member

Thanks jettej for the starlight I love him and so does my family my lil gurl thinks beautiful. She was singing the  I wish apon a starr sog the th pleco tonie be for bed!! She is gonna have a bad case of M.T.S when she grows up. Wait what am I talking about she thinks all mine are hers she turns the lights on almost everyday. She also can name a lot of them by there latin names. Lol so thought I'd share and maybe ill have her do a video walk thru of my fish for yall


Well-Known Member
No problem. I'm glad to hear you and your family loved it. Its a very special pleco. He looked happy on the new place. If you are looking for a female to pair with him. I wish you goodluck. I might actually end up buying a few frys if you happen to breed and sell babies. That's if i will go back on the hobby. Thanks man.