North end swap.


New Member
Looks like the cartel will no be having a swap until middle of October. I wanted to see if there was any interest in getting something together at the north end? Everett or lynnwood area...


Staff member
Let me know if I can help in any way with this. Wouldn't mind having one up north for a change :D


:plus1: - I can commit to a north end function, help out, and fill a table!
hose91 said:
Definitely interested in a north end swap event
I wonder if we could work out some kind of carpool, so as to save some money on ferry fare. Any other kitsap peeps interested in carpooling???


Staff member
Thoughts on something like this?

I'm thinking of fronting the money. Trying to get a decent location and actually spend money on advertising etc.

All the fees would go back towards recouping that. I'm expecting a loss the first couple swaps, then hopefully be able to recoup that.


Staff member
The goal being to get a lot of attendees to the swap. The plan would be daily craigslist posts, and paying to advertise on facebook, we'd promo it here on the site as well. And any other ideas that make sense.


New Member
id definitely be interested in something like this. never attended before but its always a great way to spend a weekend. maybe could even bring in that speaker you brought up before, sort of design the event around how the GSAS does it? just trying to toss in ideas here


Staff member
At this point I'm still looking for a good location. I don't think I could put an event together the size I want with the advertising campaign I want to do until say January. It doesn't make sense to have 2 events so close together and yours is already scheduled :)