Nipping or Fin Rot?


New Member
I have a 55 gallon stocked with:
8 neons
1 honey gold gourami
6 glofish
2 corydoras
3 Siamese algae eaters
5 white cloud minnows
The tank has sand substrate and the decorations include live plants, a madrona branch, and a couple of rocks. The parameters are as follows:
Temperature 78°F
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5ish
pH 7.4
My corydoras, and ONLY my corydoras, are missing chunks of their fins. Is this a case of fin rot or nipping? Are my other fish in danger?

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New Member
If it was fin nipping I would be looking toward the siamese algae eaters as they can get territorial, however it kinda looked like fin rot to me. I imagine with most animals, certain species will be more prone to certain diseases then others. Are any of the fish new additions?


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Looks like nipped find to me...... With your stock list I would guess the culprit to be the honey gourami.

I once had a tank full of corys and noticed the same thing. After watching the tank with the lights off in the room I found that my cichlid fry. 1-1.5 " were biting them like crazy ( ended up removing corys )