New wet pet!!!!!!!!

Just got home with a new pair of wetpets. Mesonauta festivus, or the flag cichlid. I've been researching these for the past few weeks after seeing them in a LFS. Decided I wanted a pair and returned to the store where I was lucky enough to get what I hope is a M/F pair.

Plan to house them with our Angel Fish in a 55 Gal. tank.



Festivums will try to nip the front fins of the angels. Mine did then angels told them who's boss.
Here's a stock photo of the species. Ours are a bit smaller and the eyes are not red yet.



Yeah, these are way cool looking. At time I contemplate picking some up.


New Member
i really loved my old festivums, they seemed a bit skittish tho. very easy to startle them so make sure your lids are really well placed. (i had em literally jump outta the tank on me before) the differences between them sexually are really hard to find, both male and female exhibit the same coloration patterns, w/ males getting a little larger then females. mine never really messed with my angelfish or my discus for that matter, they just a mellow little cichlid. when they try to breed however you may run into issues with anybody in the tank of size. GL to ya you wont regret picking these guys up.