new pick up


New Member

there lol figured it out


New Member
That link worked, but here, lets try to embed it. Copy the IMG link on on that picture, and paste it into your message


Like that :)


New Member
lol you posted that right before me. You got it! YES! haha. And that's a sweet looking fish, but I'm no expert when it comes to the S. Americans haha Ask kingstature, I bet he'll know!


nope, this is a jack dempsey straight up. i had one for a while and it look EXACTLY like that.


New Member
Honestly allotofdollars... looks kinda like a dempsey... or itleast a dempsey cross with texas. Have never seen a red texas around here, and from what I know they are FIRE red..... the regular texas cichlid has a little bigger body and lighter in color, and more metallic dots all over, not just the places he has.... I posted a pic of a dempsey juvie, tell me what you think.



New Member
you see all the greens and the single spot on the JD becase its getting more and more color the texas (wich never heard of such a thing as a "red texas") is dull blue and spreading the color out that it has hence the triple cuz sad to say a full grown texas IMO is ugly


New Member
Ok, Ive been lookin at a hundred dempseys and texas cichlids on google.... lol..... I love a hard fish to identify... but honestly, I am stickin with dempsey.... and maybe.... a cross dempsey and something else..... Here is a picture of the closest texas I could find that matches yours..... but notice how much more metallic spots he has than yours all over.... and the dempsey kinda has just a beard of metallic spots, wich is very common. much like yours.



New Member
also notice the tiny red on the dorsal fin.... another very common thing in the dempsey... the texas doesnt have that.

and I really want a red texas now.... lol.... seriously, they look awesome! did a google search, really never looked at them. just cool lookin.


New Member
Dollars, that fish is a Dempsey Cross with ?? Convict maybe... Its defenitley under some stress in this picture Im assuming its about 3-5 inches by looks of pic... Make sure he is alone, put a towel over the tank for a couple of days to give him a sense of security.. If he will eat feed him if not hold off for three days and try again... It is Definitley not a Red Texas.. I could be wrong maybe some whacked genus of Texas.. Teddy it is definitely not a pure Jack Dempsey but a hybrid of some sort... This is a Pic of my dempsey,,, and a random red texas pic from online