New member from Seabeck

Lisa C

New Member
I've had fish off and on most of my life. I became really interested in planted tanks about 3 years ago (pressurized CO2). Mostly have Angels right now, Pinoy Veils and Blue Silvers.

I had some aggression between a couple male Angels, and had left the light off thinking I'd get a little more time to resolve the problem. When I got home today I have a pretty beaten up fish. He's swimming fine and eating well. But missing quite a bit of finage. (The culprit has been removed.) The tank is a bare bottom tank with a large sponge filter. I do pretty generous water changes 1-2x a week. Any suggestions to help him heal well? Think I should I medicate? Salt? (There's a chunk of wood in the tank with a large African fern, but it could move to another tank.)

Thanks for any suggestions,


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Welcome to the forum.

If the water is good and clean, I would keep a close eye on the fins and medicate if they start to look like infection is setting in. I used to add a splash of Melafix when my fish would beat each other up, but I think clean water is good enough.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Like mentioned by Betty, the best thing is clean water. Step up your changes to every other day for a couple weeks. They will grow back quickly.