New leopard gecko pet


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Staff member
I don't know much about reptiles but does it need a bigger/mister like some! At PetWorks in Olympia they had an amazing drip system that went from leaf to leaf until it went to a pool at the base and then cycled back to the top.


New Member
ShortyKiloGyrl said:
I don't know much about reptiles but does it need a bigger/mister like some! At PetWorks in Olympia they had an amazing drip system that went from leaf to leaf until it went to a pool at the base and then cycled back to the top.  
Although that would be really cool if they needed high humidity :)


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Staff member
Lol I don't want to own one by any means but I can look at them in cages lol outside of them, different story


New Member
lolz at skyrim background, i take it your lizard was an adventurer...... until he took an arrow to the knee.


Well-Known Member
Anthraxx said:
lolz at skyrim background, i take it your lizard was an adventurer...... until he took an arrow to the knee.
I still say David Eddings should sue them for stealing his joke.  :swear: 


Well-Known Member
Just want credit to go where it should.

Good choice on a lizard though, both leopard and viper geckos are a neat route to go.


Well-Known Member
Not many do since the book came out in 1982.

Vipers are hard to find now a days, at least in the local pet stores. Great patterns, though they are smaller than leopards and less colorful so it's no wonder Leopards are more popular.


New Member
Here are some pics for you

Tank is in our play area for the day care kids to see..

Spike and pumpkin the nest is in that container behind spike.    She pulled all the sand and coco fiber in there.

I took the lid off and she was seeing what I was up too, eggs are in there somewhere.

Anyhoo it will be fun to see if these eggs make it..


New Member
MorganEA said:
I would suggest putting a light near it to keep the temp up and make sure they stay moist but not wet.

We do have a lamp right above it and the wife has been keeping up on spraying it, least I think she has  :roll