New Leopard Frog Pleco Not Eating


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I bought a Leopard Frog Pleco earlier this week after doing some research on them, but am still having some trouble. I've had him 3 or 4 days and have yet to see him eat anything. So far I have tried frozen blood worms, live black worms, frozen krill, algae chips and even potatoes. From what I've read online he SHOULD like all of these things. I even read they will eat cucumber but have not tried it yet.

Is there something I'm missing? Is there something else I should try? He appears to be in good health and the water tests great in my tank, but he hides in the corner near my filter sponge all day and never moves. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Staff member
Being a pleco he'll be nocturnal. So you'd want to offer food with the lights off, and hiding in the corner with the lights on is normal.

I'd also give some time as it's still settling in our tank. Can take up to a couple of weeks for fish to get comfortable. Also you could try repashy food as it is water stable for longer.


Well-Known Member
Okay I'll have to try that. I did quite a few internet searches on them before I came back to buy him, however there wasn't all that much info on them. Most of the pages had copy and pasted information from other sites, with no new information.

Am I on the right track with the types of food? I read they mostly prefer various types of meat and vegetables. I will definitely try Repashy when I can.


New Member
Your pleco is probably scouring the bottom of the tank when the lights are off eating all the leftover food in the gravel. Then returning to his spot as soon as you wake up in the morning looking like he has never moved.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I have 25 plecs in my pleco tank, and rarely see them eat, and really rarely see my Leopard frog. I would not worry. The unfortunate thing is that if you wanted it to be an active pleco, thats not going to happen.

Do you have wood for it to hang out in?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
My leopard frogs enjoy their earthworm sticks. They will often come out in the open to get them, but they usually stay in their pleco caves during the day. I have them positioned in the tank so that I can easily look inside and see them. Yours might feel safer if you add a cave or log for him to hide out in, if you don't have one already.
Something else that has not been mentioned is "what temp are you keeping him at? We've found most plecos do much better at about 82 degrees. We almost lost our Gold Nugget by keeping him at 78. He wouldn't eat and was listless, after talking to Barbie @ Aquarium Solutions, she said we were freezing him to death, crank up the heat.
