New from Burien


New Member
Hey everyone, new to this forum, i have had fish since i was a little kid, mostly gold fish, platys etc. But about a year ago bought a 55 gallon and have had some pretty cool fish pass through my house. After about 6 months of the 55 I upgraded to a 125. Curently have both tanks running.

In the 55:
2 tin foil barbs
3 clown loaches
1 gold severum
2 bala sharks
9 baby peacocks my roommate and I raised waiting for them to get big enough to take to my LFS for store credit.
1 red tail cat (baby) very small waiting to put in my 125

In the 125
1 silver arowana (8 inches)
1 red tail cat (5 inches)
3 jade gobies (4 inches)
3 pacus (2 are about the size of a baseball, one the size of a softball haha)
1 reed fish (12 inches)
1 jumbo rainbow shark (6 inches)
1 golden algae eater (7 inches)
1 green texas cichlid (3 inches)

I know that the redtails get waaaaay too big, one of the reasons I wanted on this forum, Midway fish and pets have taken a red tail from me in the past too find a new home for once it got too big.

Let me know what you think, and what might be a great addition to my tank, if I can figure outhow to post pics I will.
