Free Neeeeeeets


Well-Known Member
Two male one female. Female is 2", males are 4" and 5". Biggest guy has a nuchal hump. They are trying to spawn unsuccessfully and are nasty. Not in a fun sparring show off cichlid way, but in a mean sneak up, bite the fins, dart off kind of way.

I am cleaning the tank tomorrow and can wrangle them up if anyone is interested. Also have a single male convict that didn't get eaten that is now 3" or so free as well.

Located in Orting.

Shoot me a text (not tonight) (503)-902-2862



Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
They are on a different level that's for sure.
I bought one for my sons tank about 6 months ago... it was fairly aggressive until his Midas grew up and badnews ....

I liked how they are drab grey with a blue eye. It made him way different than any other fish I’ve had


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I think I know someone interested . I’ll let you know