Mystery solved!!!


Well-Known Member
What happens when you throw a shrimp tank together quickly by using siphoned water from other existing tanks and even some from the gravel to boost the bacteria count. Well you just might be pleasantly rewarded.

We ended up with some mystery fry. But now 10 days later they have been positively identified as Zebra Danio. Of course if they were just left in the fish tank they would have ended up as fish food.

This really makes me scratch my head and wonder how many times our fish might be laying eggs or giving birth but we are clueless. It also makes me want in the future to put all siphoned gravel water in a empty tank for a few days of observation. ;)


New Member
Fun little surprise. I like the little quirks of the hobby like this, thanks for sharing.


New Member
I had 8 tiger barbs in a 20 gallon planted and never had any babies but as soon as I sold them five very small little "barblets" appeared.

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New Member
I raised them up and now they are about an inch long and living with some fancy guppies.

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