mystery polyp!


New Member
Lars caught this one tonight, I hadn't seen it before. All by itself in a little live rock archway.


any ideas?


New Member
Hmm it actually looks like its attached to a little piece of rock. Could it have come off one of your frags. Maybe one had some loose pieces on it and this one got knocked off.


New Member
I thought so too at first, but on closer inspection it looks like it is "gripping" onto some crushed coral. It also looks nothing like my other polys. Possibly it was mixed in with the huge Xenia patch I got and sort of fell out and planted itself where it is now.


New Member
Yeah, that happens. I have a couple single polyps that showed up in the substrate. Not sure where they came from. Mushrooms, as you know, will do that too. Since it is attached to some sand, you can take some superglue gel and glue it to a rock someplace and it will start spreading there.