My Platinum Angels Are Sick...please help...


New Member
I have had 7 very healthy platinum blue angels in 2 tanks for about 3 months now. The PH was very low in one tank, and very high in the other, so I added some PH corrector powder, aquarium salt, and plant food all at once.

The angels in one tank died within 2 days, they turned an orangish color on their edges on top, and the fins too...also one of the gill opening is pink, and they have a couple of pink streaks on body, which is not right.
Now about a week later, the other angels in the other tank are starting the orangish coloring, and they seem to have less energy than before. They are eating, but not with the same eagerness they used to.

I checked all of the water tests I could find in a $30 fresh water kit, Ph, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, and they were all negative, with Ph being low at about 6.4, which is where the tank has been for several months, and have had no problem.
I did a 75% water change 2 days in a row, and added Stress Zyme as per directions.

They seem to be better, but not much. What is going on? Does anyone have any experience with this?
I absolutely love my fish, and have done the best I know for them.

Could it have been mixing the aquarium salt and Ph corrector at the same time? Or do they have a disease?

I am trying to upload pictures, but it is way too complicated, and it is not working from this darn MAC! :scratch:
In main picture on the left, you can see the orange on top fins...sorry, that's best I can do.


New Member
it really doesnt sound like there sick, sounds more like ammonia burn, but you said its at 0.... So the only other thing I can think of is its too much messing with water parameters.... fish cant take drastic change in PH.... also, 75% water change is too much if there is nothing wrong with ammonia nitrite and nitrate.... I would just leave it be for awhile....

Lets see what everyone else thinks.


New Member
That's exactly what I am doing. TY!

Why is my available upload limit 0 MG, am I supposed to change my subscription? That is why I can't upload pics.


New Member
here is a really easy way to upload pictures to the site... even has some screen shots!!


New Member
I had lost quite a few Angels also when I set up my 37 gallon Eclipse in my new apartment. The fish store said it was the parameters, and the tank had to cycle for so long, but the Bio-Wheel in there had been through so many fish that it should have had enough biological in it for the new tank. The water here tested perfect, but had chlorine in it, hence the need for Stress Coat, but otherwise was fine. The nitrate & nitrite levels were off, then another level would be off, and another after that, until I'd lost a total of 6 fish. I was advised to change 50% of water by one fish store, and another said that's a NO-NO, too big of a change to the fish. That just shocks them, so only do about 30% and ride it out.

Let your tank cycle before adding any new fish, and keep testing the water levels before adding anyone else in there. I know how stressful it is to buy special fish and have them die on you. Take it slow and easy for now, and once the tank is cycled, keep track of water levels. Make sure your temp is good too, in the green on the thermometer is healthy. Too high and it takes the oxygen out of the water and stresses the fish out.

Definitely talk to your fish store though, they usually handle everything, especially the local Mom & Pop types. They put a lot of time and money into their investment, so you can trust them. The top chain stores don't seem to know enough usually. I sure wish there was a Veterinarian for fish out there though. It would make things so much office fee! LOL


New Member
I have the same angels as you.
Next time, add crushed coral to the tank. It will help buffer the water and maintain PH. PH lower than 6.5 will start to kill off beneficial bacteria.


Yes, add some coral like I just did to my 29 gallon breeding Angels. As soon as I did they layed eggs. weird.