My first cichlid!


New Member
Hey cichlid people, I have great news! I got my very first cichlid!

She is a German Blue Ram, probably under 6 months because she is on the small side. I originally had the idea to get her in order to eat up some of the millions of guppy fry I'm about to have, but finally decided to do it on the basis that they are just really cool fish. None of my other fish have the sort of personality a ram tends to display, and I am really liking having her so far. I got her at Aquarium Co-Op after the plant swap last Saturday, so I have had her just under a week and she seems to be settling in fine. Half the reason I decided to get her was that Cory had other fish from the same local breeder which looked outstanding- some amazing "Orange Flash" Apistos and some "Gold Faced" GBR that all looked super healthy.

My tank is a pretty well-stocked community tank, and although I have heard they can be aggressive, I haven't seen her so much as nip at another fish yet. Even the guppy fry I transferred in don't seem to interest her. She does like flakes, Hikari micro pellets, Hikari crab cuisine and live blackworms though, but maybe when she's older she will turn killer :DHere's hoping so *maniacal grin* I think I have also seen her eat a few tiny baby snails, which is good because they are going to start getting out of hand soon.

She is still doing a little bit of pacing the glass as she settles in, but now I usually see her hunting for tidbits under the plants and along the bottom when I see her. She also seems to have made a cave in the back home, but thankfully doesn't stay there all the time hiding. I love the way she hunts, just cruising along and then suddenly she stops dead- slowly she drifts in for the kill and NOM! No more snail.

I'm gonna try to get good pictures of her later, but first I need to find the cord for the good camera. Here is a placeholder:

About to strike

Also, this is a female, right? Pink belly, doesn't have longer dorsal spikes


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wait that has to be an African cichlid cause its so small and colorful. :joker: 

Thread moved. :) And nice looking Ram.


New Member
GBR was what got me interested in dwarf cichlids, but I couldn't find any locally, so I ended up getting some Apistogramma when I went to Oregon. Definitely fun to watch dwarfs though. :D


Well-Known Member
Everyone seems to think these are african rams. :lol!: 

Welcome to cichlids though!!! You probably will never go back!!! :drunk: 


Yup female XD she has blue spots in her black spot :)Little beauty you have right there <3
@ Kara wolf
Learn  new things things. I knew about males black long fin on top.

@ L.A.
I love my dwarf cichlids and my african cichlids. You will too.Now I want monster cichlids.  Too bad no room.
Are you planning to breed her?


New Member
@everyone: I know I posted it in the wrong place, see the second post in the thread. And thanks madness for moving it for me. I could've sworn I clicked on "american" and not "african" cichlids, sorry about that

I might breed some GBR in the future, but I would want to get another female and a male, so that I can be more sure I'll get the male to pair with one. I don't want to get just two and have them kill each other :/ I'm sure it would be fun to watch, but I probably wouldn't do it on the scale to make a profit or anything

But yes, this is quickly becoming my favorite fish that I have kept. Very colorful and charismatic, this morning I swear she was watching me vacuum my room with much interest


Yay new things to be learned XD that was the first thing that I noticed when considering your question XP Plus Poke(I think) posted some a while ago where males and females had some MASSIVE rays but the male still had longer ones. I keep thinking I want to raise GBRs and then I go to research them and lots of places say they're a very fragile fish :(that and I'm trying to stick to my guns on what I want to put in the 30gal LOL


Well-Known Member
No worries L A, I tease because there is a dwarf jewel cichlid that is sometimes called an african ram that is rather nasty for a dwarf cichlid (very pretty though).

KaraWolf - They are fine if kept in high heat and you start with good stock. Someone that breeds locally as opposed the mass asian farm bred ones. Those are the ones that are rather sickly.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Pretty fish! :) I've never kept them, but I used to keep Bolivian rams.  Always wanted to try the GBRs.


New Member
Update: Over the last couple weeks she has settled in nicely, and seems to be doing well! She is eating ravenously, and has actually gotten pretty fat! She is growing well too though, and has colored up more since I got her.

I haven't really been fussing about the water quality or anything either, and everything seems to be going well. I was always scared to try a nicer fish like this until now, because I wasn't sure the water parameters were steady, but I think my sense that the tank has finally reached a decent equilibrium was right.

Here she is, chowing on a mini algae wafer meant for my shrimplets who live in that java moss:



lol she does look kinda chubby in the tummy area XD beautiful fishy. And I think I see a mommy shrimp tail in the BG :rofl


New Member
Yeah, some of that might be red ramshorns, but there is at least one little shrimpy in that pic. Bonus points for KaraWolf!!!

So far I think her favorite food is Hikari "crab cuisine," but does anyone have other suggestions for a good staple food for her? I also try to mix it up with other dry, frozen and live foods like live blackworms and frozen daphnia/bloodworms/spirulina brine (for color!) I have tried repashy shrimp souffle as well, but I haven't seen her show any interest in it... though my guppies and snails can't get enough of it.