My bettas (working on getting them to spawn )


New Member
Hi, i have three bettas and i'm tring to get two to spawn , (yes i know about keeping males separated once their old enough and yes i have containers ) i was wondering if they did work out together which i think they will if anyone would want some of their offspring :)'







New Member
I would very much like to look at some of your fry, when they are ready. Have you ever bred before? If not I can help you through here the whole way. I am a breeder, myself. I specialize in Halfmoons, and Dragonscale VTs. Enjoy. And best of luck!! It is such a fun, and rewarding thing to do. I do it as a hobbyist, and getting specialized colors through selective breeding. I find line breeding to be the best way to go about it. But hey, I'm happy to help if you need me. Your gonna LOVE the experiance!


New Member
Thank you guys and yes i need some help my bettas have been condictioned for two weeks my female is floating the the spawning tank in a livebearer trap and he hasnt tried buliding his bubblenest yet? (i tried the mirror trick also, my temp is just under 80 degrees its like 78


New Member
ok never mind lol i put both females in the cups from the store next to his spawning tank and he started blowing them :) i guess he needed to females how greedy :laughhard:


New Member
What I do, is put the male in his bare tank, with a sponge filter, and I feed him frozen bloodworms. thawed, of course. then put the female in a vase, for about a week. usually that gets em to make nests as well. There are a few diff ways to go about it. but as long as he's making the nest, and the females getting egg spots, and bars on her, your good to go.


New Member
So good to hear. Take pics of the nest for me? And him and her when you introduce them? I'm rootin for ya. :)


New Member
It can take the male up to a few days to have it complete. If it takes more then 3-4 days you may want to restage him for breeding.


New Member
I've had this issue before. are you putting Indian almond leaves in the water? It helps the males with breeding. Also, I had a Veil tail, that had bubble nests popping, so I put the bottom half of a styrofoam cup for him to nest in, and that worked, actually.


New Member
You can look on Aquabid for some, or even go to a local pet store and see if they know where to get them, or the Indian almond leaf extract stuff. If they don't have either, you can go the alternative way. Find an oak leaf in a park somewhere, whether it's on the tree or the ground it doesn't matter, as long as it's still green as you can get. Rinse it off, really really good, and put that in your breeding tank. It will do the same thing, I'm told. It's just something bettas in Thailand have in there water, and the thai breeders put this stuff in there water, and it makes them more 'in the mood' for spawning, and makes the water a touch darker, which relaxes them, and the male will usually make his nest in the cup, or log. Hope this info helps.