My 3 young L046's


New Member
Awesome lil L046s', i just cant wait till i can get some of them. Maybe in a few months if i get this job. Definatly fantastic :face:


New Member
I sold them when I got orders to come up here. I didnt want to put them through the stress of a 2000 mile trip. I know the store that I sold them to they had them breeding and was sold alot of there babys for a good price just to get them out for everyone to enjoy. But that was part of the deal when I sold them to them they they couldnt ask a crazy price for the babys. I think they were asking around $100 for one that was around 1"-1 1/2" in size.


New Member
Down the road when I have a really nice established setup. For now, the Bristle Nose and Gold nuggets will do... :)
all my years of fish keeping, I never got into Plecos Maybe 2011, I can start a collection of rare Plecos, but the L046 will be last on my list.
Only because I can't afford to loose 1.


New Member
At what length do they need to be to spawn? Can these be sold to a lfs? I might have a chance to come up on a pair. For two is 600 too much? Is there any known ph level that's good for breeding? If I picked them up would I have any shortage of buyers??


New Member
Usually advertised pairs are BS from what I have heard. Be very careful, and study up on these. Fern has some nice ones ;) They have been on my list of fish to get for 2 years now. Allot advertise them as WC, and pairs but the reality is they are usually too small to be WC, and it is illegal to export them. The legal issue combined with the time and difficulty of breeding leads to their very high prices. They used to be like $10 each before the export Ban and all over LFS's. Very cool fish and somewhere there is probably some old coot with a tank full of them that has no idea their value!!


New Member
I just wish I could find someone to sell me ten of them for under a grand and I'd start breeding them for Washington :D