Mosquito Food


New Member
Hey, I just got a betta! I was reading up on it and the list of accepted food included Mosquito larva, along with a note that it wasn't easy to come by. I have a 30 gallon tank outside with wood in it being sunk. It also has a TON of mosquito larva. Ten minutes later my new betta was chowing down on baby bloodsuckers. If anyone around here keeps bettas, I would strongly suggest filling up a tank and leaving it outside for mosquitoes. Who said there was no such thing as free fish food?


New Member
icer711 said:
nice quick n easy now if u can tell me how not to get bit lol there bad out here this year
I figure there are enough out as it is my 30 gallons won't add to the I'm killing their babies...


New Member
Yeah, I'd like to do this myself but my roommates might kill me. lol Even if they were okay with it, their kids would probably play in the water and ruin my chances of fish food from it. *sighs*

Most books and stuff don't recommend intentionally setting up a mosquito breeding ground for the purpose of fish food simply because adult mosquitoes are such a nuisance to begin with. But there probably isn't much harm in it if the water source is just big enough to provide the amount of larvae you need for fish food.

These are the primary natural diet of bettas. So they're really good for your fish. Just make sure you rinse them thoroughly before feeding.