Mark as unread

Is there currently a way that I can save a topic thread?  Sometimes I don't want to read it at a certain time but want to pull it up easily later when I have more time, and this would be a great feature.

Just asking,


Staff member
I'm not sure. Betty might know. This is one of the reasons I'm looking to upgrade the forum software. So that we have software powerful enough to do almost anything.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ron, this is not exactly what you are asking about, but in case you don't know, there is a clickable option at the end of the topic after the last post to "watch this topic for replies".  It's been a while since I've used it, but I think it will send you an email when someone posts something new to the topic. You can stop watching it at any time by clicking on the option to stop watching at the end of the thread or also doable through your Profile under "Topic(s) being watched".

Also, if you come back to look at the topic that same day, it should show up if you scroll down to the bottom of the forum page and click on "Today's active topics". I don't know of a mark unread option.