July 26 - NWAquarium Swap Meet - Eagles Club-New Thread!

I rent the room for $150. That means we need 10 tables. I really don't want to pay the difference myself. In the past when we ran short of table funds, Cory and others have chipped in with me to make it good. I prefer not to have any one of us to make up any difference. I think 10 is the minimum number of tables we should have. If we don't get enough then we'll postpone it til later in the year.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'll pay for the "free" table if anyone is interested in one this time.

Who's planning on going? What are you looking for?


Well-Known Member
I plan on going. I am looking for a huge piece of drift wood for my 450. Ron, if needed I can chip in if you fall short. I would get a table but have nothing really to sell.
The "free" table would make 4. We're still short 6 tables. I think the dead of summer may just be too much to expect to get any kind of a crowd to make it worthwhile. If we don't have enough sign up by Monday I'm going going to postpone it til Fall. I will publicize it on GSAS Airstone and see if we can get some of the club members interested.
This event has been postponed until sometime in the fall. I think more of us will be more active with our hobby at that time.

Thanks to those who began promoting it. Would you please post a notice in the places you posted it so people won't be showing up to any empty room?

Thank all of you...

Pleco Jim

Well-Known Member
never mind. guess i should of read all the threads first. that blows. was hopping to see you all there.
Currently, Emmynk, I don't see a break in my near future where I can set this up right now. Things will break one day and we'll get another one going.