JD has a black spot on his tail


New Member
JD has a black spot on his tail

Just noticed this this evening after a water change. Is it normal? a healing fin? or something i need to treat?

Green Terror
Pink convict
Standard Convict
Red Zebra
Malawi Golden
Royal Pleco
Misc Pleco

The JD pictured is at least an inch bigger than every other cichlid in the tank, at around 4"


New Member
Re: JD has a black spot on his tail

Is it a growth or just discoloration? Fins are fairly hardy. Keep the temps up and watch for any abnormal behavior. If the fish doesn't seem stressed or anything I wouldn't worry.

Now that's just my opinion and from looking at the picture it doesn't seem like anything crazy.


New Member
Re: JD has a black spot on his tail

He hasn't been acting any different, and there doesnt seem to be any physical difference, just a discoloration. Behavior is also normal, willing to attack anything within biting distance. :)


New Member
Re: JD has a black spot on his tail

Lol sounds perfectly fine then. Cichlids are very hardy fish. It'll probably go back to normal in a few if it has t already.