I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

Lamental Jester

New Member
Hello all...  Repent!  The end is nigh!  The Jester has returned.

Yes, after a several month to a year hiatus, I am making my triumphant return to the box.  There's been quite a few changes in my life puberty but I'm still well in the fish game, if not more so than ever.  I am now an aquarium technician professionally, that's right, I get PAID to do my hobby. I currently have 4 tanks setup at my place, including the infamous 75 gallon, however I'm considering tearing down one of them and making some upgrades to the 75 (co2 system, swaqping for acrylic, etc).

That's all I got for now, I just wanted to drop a line and say hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Annnnd, for no reason what so ever (which is a my theme for life), here's Spock petting a kitty:

You're Welcome


I stared at the picture for a good 5 minutes. Beauty dosent always come in colorful fish. They look content and super healthy LJ. :)