I want one


New Member
aaronfeeney said:
Great info lilfishie, Good to have an advisor before jumping into something i can't yet take care of.
Its something to work towards and look forward too. They are really pretty fish and just adorable.
This is my little guy, Mr. Jangles. He is a red dragonet. I have had him for a year now. I dont feed him. There are tons of pods breeding in the tank and the refugium/sump to sustain his food supply.


New Member
lilfishie said:
Spyral said:
If I have issues keeping mine, he will go back to the store. However, he has been eating and I have a secret weapon..a copepod breeding station.
Get some small rock rubble and pile it in a back corner behind a bigger rock. It will give the copepods a safe place to breed on their own in the tank and help keep up the population.
That's exactly what I did. I also have a colony breeding in a 1 gallon pickle jar (cleaned out, of course) like brine shrimp.

What I did was (and I would get a picture, but no way to see it) pile up some rubble rock against the glass in a corner behind a large piece of live rock. Then, I injected (with a turkey baster) half a bottle of Tigger Pods (Thanks, Alex) into the base and back of the pile.

My Mandarin happens to lurk the back side of the tank, amongst the live rock. He went for the "pod pile" and ate fr a while, then returned to eating critters out of my other rocks. This morning I looked and could clearly see the red pods darting in and out of the "pod pile" so, there are still more there. I will continue to stock pods until I have sufficient self-replenishing pods in the tank.


Active Member
That thing is soo colorful it looks plastic. Like God had a bunch of SW fish color left over and put it all on that fish.


Active Member
Well , I got one,, in fact it was yours Spyral. He's doing good, I'll keep adding pods once a month just to be sure, about time for the second batch. Hoping to get a fuge soon to store macro algae and pods in.