I need help!


Well-Known Member
So this morning I was feeding my fish at my 30 gallon tank. The thing is i got a nailbite cut on my right pinky then while I was dipping my hand I felt a shock on the cut since its sensitive. So I Tried unplugging my Heater and Filter then the shock was gone. Then I re-plug the HOB filter The shock was back but not so bad then i add the heater then it got worse I feel the shock so much and its only on my open wound. Will this affect my fishes? I saw one guppy fry dead today and 1 very small swords fry dead too. but Idk what are the causes. Please I need help.


New Member
Replace the heater.

Use heat packs or a leak proof bag of hot water-zip lock to help sustain temp. til you replace the unit ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys. I just bought that heater thou. and one more thing I also felt it on my other 10 gal. tank. I was thinking it's because of the current that is being made by my hob. because it acts like a falls and i know that waterfalls can make electricity.


New Member
You're welcome! Also make sure you put in drip loops so water doesn't go directly into the outlet/surge protector. I am extremely cautious when it comes to fish tanks + fire, lol. It's such a cheap fix and it could save you so much pain and heart ache