i need an id guys :/


New Member

picked up around 6 or 7 fry a while back this is the only male out of that batch so i have 6 females and this male. but id like to know what they are as i have 3 females holding from him..
im kinda thinking hes a hybrid though :/


New Member
I would have thought Jeweled Cichlid since we had some that came with a tank a while back and they looked very similar to this.. But they aren't mouth brooders. Though I think we were misinformed and at the time too lazy to look anything up on them since we didn't plan on keeping them lol
I will do some looking around for ya! :)


New Member
check out cichlidforum.com there is plenty of photographs to run through and lots of guys over there know their stuff. off the top of my head id say some sort of ruby red / jacobfregii, gl w/ IDing those guys, got some great colors thats for sure.
I agree with sgas. Judging by the division of color on the operculum head shape that is definetly an Auloncara of some sorts. Looks like a jacobfregii of some sort.