Hi Washington Cichlid Fans!



Hello, and welcome. I have not, would you like me to? I love trying new things.


New Member
Thanks for the welcome. I'd suggest Hereospilum if you like big peaceful cichlids. They are a lot like Pearsei and Bacourti temperment wise. Everyone I've talked to about Urophthalmus in the states claims they are just aggressive monsters. A little different from the mellower version a decade ago. I'm guessing this strain was from Florida waters. That said, I'd still like to try them.


I have pearsei and bocourti right now. Isent that funny, when I first started keeping cichlids about 8 years ago the vieja mac. (Black belt) was considered a gentle giant, I have never seen them be nice fish though, so aggresive to conspecifics.


New Member
I have books that put them in the middle of the road with agression. But after four rounds with the species going back to 1995 or so, they haven't shown any kindness to other Viejas.
Even small females can be little terrors. I'm working with a trio now and their going to erupt any day. The females are back and forth on each other all day trying to get the males attention, but he doesn't know if he wants to kill them or breed with them.

On the flip side, I'm working with a group of 5 (2m & 3f) Rio Chacamax Bifasciatum at 7" that to date are getting along great.


New Member
welcome! there has been a couple times i had to lock myself in the bathroom so i wouldnt come down and buy some fish you had for sale on MFK. will be nice to have you here also.

not working with those, but i have had the uro's in the past and they were killers for me.

working with blue labridens/pantostictus, festae, and i have a shit load of stalsbergi fry!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Welcome. I have 1 Uro left in my big tank and it holds its own, but nothing to exciting. I also have a trio of Black belts in my Vieja/Paratheraps tank. They get excited with my trio of Argentea, ( shush Adona and DMD :) ) But know real issues. Both groups are around 6". I agree with the Bifa's, I have a trio of them also, and they are real mellow and the colors are absolutely stunning.


New Member
As soon as they let me posts pictures, I'll throw up some Centrals. Right now my max allowable picture posting size has me at 0 MB, can't do much with that.