Guppies in a 5.5 gallon


New Member
How many Guppies do you think could go into a 5.5 gallon? Aqadvisor says even 1 is overstocking, but other forums people have told me I would be fine with up to 4 as long as I did water changes often.

They would all be males to avoid any more guppies from coming along.


New Member
Recommended tank size for guppies is 20 gallons. That being said, with frequent water changes to keep water prameters stable you may be able to get away with...I am hesitant to say a 5 gal tank. I myself would try 3 and one algae eater of some kind like an otto cat. They stay small.

lars on

New Member
Ive had a couple female guppies hit over 2". I think you would be fine with 3, get all males though, they tend to stay the smallest.


New Member
I would go 5.... but I always overdue all my tanks! and really, not recommending it, just saying what I would do. good rule is 1" of fish per gallon


New Member
I ended up getting 4 males. They are all pretty small right now, but seem to be loving their new place. :spoton:


New Member
I am obviously not gonna come here when I want to stock my guppies :p

I would say a 10g is a minimum for 5 or more guppies, 1 inch of fish per gallon is highly inaccurate FYI, if it is true that would mean you could stick a 10" oscar in a 10g tank...


New Member
..i have 5 females and 2 males in a heavily planted 10 gallon tank, its a breeding machine with a 50% water change a week and a 25gallon HOB with 50% water changes on a 5.5 gallon i would say youll be fine with 3...females can get huge..i have some pushing the 3 inch mark...i would recommend 3 males...they stay small.

i use a 5.5 gallon as a guppy grow out tank to get the fry to 1/4-1/2 inch..i put about 10 in at a time but its run off a 10 gallon air pump and enough sponge filter for a 50 gallon tank with 30% water changes a week....

so 3 males with adequate filtration and water changes would be perfect...maybe a few plants like java fern or an anubis as well..both are low light no maintenance plants, that will help your tank stay helthy.


New Member
What about fry. I know I'm kinda straying from the topic but I feel it still has the same general question. I have probably 150-200 fry in a ten gallon. Is that over stocked? Not that the intent is to
keep the fry but it's a curious question. They still are tiny and by a quater inch I plan to start using them.