
New Member
Really the only way some people will learn, (not saying this is you regan), is to just do it.... Even if it takes loosing some fish.... I am one of those people... when I was first introduced into the hobby, I went out and purchased a 55gal and seven S. american cichlids.... everyone (including the guy thats sold me the fish) said, "Do not put that many large American Cichlids in your tank... they get way too big, only one of the fish I chose shouldve been in that tank....
Well, I watched as my fish slaughtered eachother slowly over a period of 8 months... finally remained just two.... I ended up gettin a second tank for the weaker one, I couldnt bare to watch the daily beatings.... it was brutal!.... anyway, and that started the addiction. Learned my lesson as I saw $$$$$ dieing right before my eyes. lol

I just bite my lip when I hear of a person planning on breeding two fish that shouldve been culled because of there deformities.... Or if someone puts a frontosa in a 5gal bucket (lars).... Only thing we can do is tell them what we would do in there situation to get the fish they want.... and cross our fingers they arent stupid like me! lol


i would definatly save the seahorses for another day, they are extreamly hard to care for. get an anglerfish and go SPS reef. im setting one up now and if you do it right it looks great!