GSAS swap meet


New Member
looks like they will be having a swap meet...mark your calander, June 14th!

> Remember we're meeting in the Falcon Lounge on Tuesday night
> 2nd floor of the gym at 3rd Ave W and West Nickerson
> doors open at 7pm, meeting starts at 7:30
> its a live food workshop/demo with some of our local livefood gurus
> (with free samples)
> and the board elections
> and the annual HAP awards
> and a swap meet
> and a raffle
> this is the last meeting for this school year


New Member
Most meetings are open to everyone, but if you want to sell stuff you need to be a member. Is only fifteen dollars to join and its worth it


Staff member
Let me Clarify. This meeting is a Workshop on culturing live foods. Lots of supplies will be there to help you start your own cultures.

Instead of a normal auction that is held at the meetings. There will be a swapping of items. There will be no tables or anything like that. People bring in equipment/fish etc and swap it with someone else who has something they need.

So yes, you can swap with other people without joining. However selling items through the GSAS is a member benefit. This event does emphasize swapping items with the community and learning about live cultures.


Staff member
protocl said:
I'll be there also.

is it Free this time?

Cory - are you bringing anything?
Meetings are always free. To sell items during the auction which most meetings have you have to be a member. $15 a year membership. Tonight there is no auction and it's a swap meet.

I probably won't be bringing much. I have some deals lined up already with people there. But besides that I don't have time to get stuff ready. I leave from Conway at 6pm and it's a struggle to make it to the meeting on time. I have to stop at home and catch some cherry shrimp tonight also.