grrr ick



So 2 days ago, one of my mollies got a white fungus looking ball on her tail. I wasn't sure if it was ick or fin rot, so I used "Jungle Lifeguard all in one treatment" and added a little aquarium salt to the tank. Now this morning, I noticed 2 of my tetras have some white looking fungus on their bottom fins. Is it going to spread to all of my fish before it goes away? Should I try something else? I don't want my fishies to die, They have names! lol thanks.


Try Kordon Methylene Blue. Use as directed specially removing any carbon from filters and you will see results. I never lost a fish after its use but it will turn things blue including fingers so beware and good luck


New Member
crank up the heat! I like to get my tank about 85 degrees as soon as there is a problem. and use lotsa salt.

If that doesnt work within 24hrs, I always use quickcure... same thing with the tank turning blue though.


New Member
Doesn't sound like ich, it sounds like columnarius (cotton wool fungus). It's actually a bacterial infection.

Are the fish flashing? (rubbing against tank; symptom of parasites. Ich is a parasite)

Try less invasive treatments like: methylene blue, salt, water changes.
If it gets severe, you'll need to get some antibiotics (Mardel Maracyn).


New Member
Tell us this...

Does it look like white pieces of sand stuck on their body? If yes, then ich!

Does it look like fuzzy, fungus growing on their body? If yes, then columnaris.


On my Mollie, It looks like a fuzzy fungal ball. On my tetras, its starting to grow outlining their bottom fins


New Member
Ya, the pics work now (all of them).

It doesn't look like either ich nor columnarius. I don't know what it is. Does it look serious? Looks as it's almost scar tissue. I can;t really tell what I'm looking at.

What are your water parameters? (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate?)

Try a water change and salt. See how it goes.


I put 1 TB spoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons, and turned up the heat yesterday. Is that enough do you think? I'm getting ready to go to the store to get some water for a water change, because my tap water is awful. What type of water should I get? Distilled, Nursery, Drinking? Thanks for being so patient with me, I'm a little new at fish keeping. You all have been helpful. Thanks.


New Member
When was the last time you did a water change? I do a water change weekly.

Also, make sure you have testing equipment (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate).

Why is your tap water not suitable for fish? It would be a lot cheaper to use tap water (make sure you use dechlorinator).

I would think if you get distilled water, you would need to ADD ions/minerals to make it fish safe? I would think the osmotic pressure on the fish would dramatically be affected. (HEY, I know nothing about using distilled water with fish. Correct me if I'm wrong).


My tap water comes out of the faucet brown sometimes. its really disgusting. They have been flushing the water mains and every time they do all water, (shower, kitchen sink, toilet) turns a gross rust color. Wonderful huh? I don't dare drink it myself, let alone feel comfortable dumping it in my tank.


New Member
I guess if you buy water for them, I would use drinking water (It's basically RO/DI water that has ion added to it; OR in some cases Tap water). Spring water would also be good, however I would think it probably has a higher content of soluble solids.


its a fungal type of some sort that I can't identify. Meth blue as I said before with aquarium salt and please don't use distilled water. Thats bad for the fish since it contains no salts or minerals and through osmosis will leach out the salts and minerals from your fish leaving them depleated and open for any infection or nasty parasite. Alexmuw is correct and you should follow his help. He sounds like he knows what he's talking about. Good luck.


New Member
heat + salt+ waterchange+black out+ melafix always works for me lost one fish to ich befor i knew anything about it sad thing was it was a payara armatus


New Member
I can't see the pictures but from what you're describing it doesn't sound like ich. I agree with others above it sounds to me like a fungal matter