Gigi's Wonderfood organic shrimp and fish food review

Lamental Jester

New Member
sea1 said:
How long does Gigi's Wonderfood last (refrigerated I assume)?
I've been using the same pack of wonderfood for several months, not refridgerated, still fine. Like Wes said, it's freeze dried, so not really any worries about expiring


New Member
Lamental Jester said:
sea1 said:
How long does Gigi's Wonderfood last (refrigerated I assume)?
I've been using the same pack of wonderfood for several months, not refridgerated, still fine.  Like Wes said, it's freeze dried, so not really any worries about expiring
Thanks, sounds great. I'll go get some for my shrimp tank.


That sample bag (like the size of 20sack of MJ) that Gigi was giving away. Lasted me only a week. Well could of lasted longer but was putting 2 disc a day. Couldn't help it. Wanted my shrimps happy. Did 30% water change yesterday and now saw more prego shrimps. I guess it helps get female shrimps ready for breeding. Now only putting a disc every 3 days.


New Member
sea1 said:
How long does Gigi's Wonderfood last (refrigerated I assume)?
The four factors that determine shelf life are temperature, oxygen, moisture and light. An unopened bag will easily stay fresh longer than an opened one. If you also store the bag in a cool, dark environment you can expect the food to be good for up to a year.

Once the bag is opened, you can expect the food to stay fresh for a few months. If you keep the bag sealed and protected from moisture, heat and light (like in the refrigerator) you can expect it to stay fresh much longer though. :)

Thanks everyone for all of your kind words about Gig's Wonderfood!


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Contributing Member Level III
Received my two bags early last week. I'd like to share that I bought it for my shrimp but when they disappeared I switched to apistos all before I got my new bag. I decided to give it to my plecos instead, and must share that the plecos love it! Even the ones that hide all the time come out right away to latch onto these vegi crisps ..... And on a crazy note, I need to mention that b/c of this food, I know have shrimp running all over my apisto tank. I actually saw 6 cherry shrimp last night at the same time when I dropped some of this food into the tank to feed my long finned albino bristlenose . It's good stuff, so all you Pleco lovers need to get a bag or two. I'm completely impressed.


That's neat lloyd378, perhaps I will try cherry shrimp again. Shrimp & I don't do well, so thought I would ease back into trying. Couple months ago picked some Amano & they are nice & fat molting every couple weeks. That would so cool if I could get a colony of Cherrys to survive in my 140.

What's this got to do with Wonderfood?

Well, when I picked up my Amanos I had recently lost a lot of CRS. When I picked up the Amanos I also picked up GIGIs Wonderfood. Over the last couple months I've expanded to feed all my Cory's (BIG & dwarfs), and snails Wonderfood. All these critters love this stuff.