Giant Yoyo Loach!


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I think you should name him "lloyds"..... As I want him!
Hahaha, a customer dropped him off where I work (Farmland, in Silverdale) and I jumped on that like no ones business! Got him for only $10! :D

We have some back on stock, but they're only about 3"-4" .... which is a bit larger than we usually get. They're usually only about 2" when we get them... dunno why we got bigger ones from the wholeseller, but I regret not ordering more for the store!

Then again, I DID order 24 of them, and we only got 5 of them. Hahaha


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I'll give you 20. Haha ( I've never seen one that large!)


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
Wish I was going out that way. I'd pick up a couple of the 4" ones.....

I was kinda close today P.O. But won't be back anytime soon
He's quite the Yoyo Loach! I'm surprised the other Yoyo Loaches don't follow him/her around, like the way Clown Loaches follow each other...

I'm glad I've got a nice group of Clown Loaches in there with them though. :)