Ghost Shrimp


New Member
So ive got a couple of these guys about ready to pop, seperated the prego ones into a tiny like 10gal or something with a couple small goldfish (seperated but water runs through both sides)...what the hell do i feed the babies? the moms seem to be ok with goldfish muck crushed flakes(rolls over from the goldfish side) and broken up algae discs but them babies i imagine are much too small for that kinda eats... its no biggy if they "fail" was just hoping to have fish/turtle treats on the cheap... turtle really likes em hard for him to see but easy to catch when he does.. some of em ride his shell while the fish come pick em off its pretty funny


New Member
What kind of ghost shrimp are they? Keep in mind that some types of ghost shrimp babies can only survive in brackish water. Just like adults they will usually eat small food particles that fall into the gravel (within their first month or two they're buried in the gravel). I'd recommend crushing up some sinking pellets & algae wafers very finely for the little guys. Good luck! :D


New Member
i ended up feeding them all to the fish, gonna try again once i get some more might try a different critter though .. easier to see maybe lol

lars on

New Member
Ghost shrimp also like to eat the heads off of poor little jack dempsey babies who were transfered accidently from a freshwater filter to a saltwater tank, who had GREAT potential for surviving.

They also try and carpet surf, lost two of them cuz they jumped out and I didnt see them