GBR and Cacatuoides together ?


New Member
I have a 50 ga with a bunch of orange flash cacatuoides, albino bristle nose pleco and a couple Siamese algae eaters in it. Everyone gets along fine. Matter of fact there is a new cacatuoide spawn in it now. I have a female GBR and her best friend a female black molly that I would like to move into the cacatuoide tank.

I would like to get a few more GBR to put in with and a few dwarf African frogs. What do you think of the combo ? Tank has a bunch of caves all over and heavily planted.

That way I can get Double red cacatuoides and put in with my bolivian rams, zebra loaches,plecos,sae,ottos,frogs in my other 55 long. This tank also has multiple caves and planted with all occupants currently getting along.

Not interested in spawning, as I seem to have a high rate of survival as it is.

input would be great. Getting more tanks is not going to happen, have limited resources,time and room.



New Member
I kept several apisto and GBR together, and I found that the GBR's were far too busy attacking each other than the apistos.

Aside from maybe darting at them once or twice, they didn't seem to mind at all, but they did fight each other A LOT to the point where I had to get rid of them.

Depending on how many you get/sex/amount of hiding places, you should be fine. I think I made the mistake of getting too many with not enough hiding places.