Freshwater Stocking Ideas? 24G JBJ Saltwater Tank Conversion


Member with a lot to say
So it used to be a salt tank and now it's it's freshwater, baby! The flow in this tank is pretty intense. I've scaped it and put a sacrafical Endlers Livebearer in there to test the waters... doing great. I want to stock it with something colorful (red is a plus) that likes that swift current. OTHERWISE, I could modify the thing and put a sponge over the output or something. I'd love to have something that digs that flow. But what would it be? I'm super stoked about this tank .... it looks great (low light plants).

I would LOVE to post a pic --- but my computer went teats up and now I'm using a Chromebook that doesn't have storage so I have to move photos to Google Drive to upload -- painful.


Well-Known Member
Crypt spiralis tiger
Crypt Flamingo
Echinodorus Aflame
Crypt Parva Mini
Bacopa Colorata
Althernanthera Reickirii mini
Any Rotala (Except Macrandra type)
Ludwigia Super Red Mini
Ludwigia Ovalis


Legendary Member
If this is a JBJ all in one with a pc bulb in the lid. You stock the dumpster with it. Because of the design they run really hot. I set up several for clients when they first hit the market. We removed them within a short time because nothing would survive. I did try one as a freshwater tank but gave up.


Member with a lot to say
Pretty much any Bucephalandra and Anubias...

That and a few Amazon swords is what's living in there now, borrowed from other tanks.... There's a wendii - two of them - that seem to be hanging on for dear life...LOL


Member with a lot to say
If this is a JBJ all in one with a pc bulb in the lid. You stock the dumpster with it. Because of the design they run really hot. I set up several for clients when they first hit the market. We removed them within a short time because nothing would survive. I did try one as a freshwater tank but gave up.

Ohhh! OK. It is quite dark -- compared to my other tanks -- but the plants I have (swords, anubius) seem to be holding their own. The flow of the tank was main concern.

I might just indulge my perverted desire to (again) keep Oscar fish again and get some babies and screw plants.....