Fish spasming?


New Member
Ok, so once in a while, one of my angel is suddenly spasming like crazy and darts from one end of the tank to another.
it's like it goes crazy for a minute. after that, it gets real tired, rests and then acts normal again.

does anyone have this happen to your fish yet?


New Member me sounds like ammonia poisoning

but to help we need more details.

size of tank?
tank mates?
how long has the tank been up and running?
any new additions recently?

and your water perimeters.


Staff member
Contributing Member Level III
I got a batch of fish off someone that had seizures. In my case I know it was not ammonia poisoning (have liquid water test kit, was in my 120g, multiple regular water changes per week) In my case I think it was a genetic issue. All the fish were bought at the same time by the person who gave them to me. I have never seen this before and never had issue with any other fish I have raised. Was only this batch.

But I would recommended having your water tested. If you dont have a kit some stores will do it for free.


New Member
tank is 55gal, using Rena Xp2, angels, discus, cory, bristlenose.
tank has been up for at least 6 months now and no recent changes. (well i downsized from 150gal about 3 mths ago but i used the saame water)

ph is around 6-6.4 ammonia is 0-0.25, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 40-80

I dont see any white spots.


New Member
nitrates are high do water changes try to keep then under 20, check the temp i keep mine at 80, but i dont have angels, i try to keep my ph at 7. is the fish still eating? i am still leaning towards internal parasites


New Member
just did a water change (30%) temp are around 82-84.
i mean all of them are still eating.

do u still treat internal parasites with melafix?


New Member
I use prazi-pro, if there eating still soak there food in it first. if they dont eat it then treat the whole tank, shouldnt be to expensive with a 55


New Member
i would check nitrates again i would bet they are still high, unless it comes out of your tap like that. also i would prob bring temp to 80-82. prazi-pro is the best i have used its around $18 bucks for the bottle but you will get allot of use out of that bottle with that size tank.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I would also get your ph up around 7.0 to 7.4. I noticed the fish in my 40 gal doing something similar. The only thing different in that tank was the ph dropped to 6.4 because of the wood. Once I removed the fish and put them in my 250 where the ph is 7.6, they have been happy as clams and know more spasms.


New Member
With domestic angelfish, the pH of your tank water should be in the range of 6.5 (which means that the water is acidic) to that of neutral (7.0).
I have bogwood in my tank to naturally lower the ph and my angels are healthy. Wild Angels like even lower PH. So what kind of angels do you have wild or domestic bred?


New Member
nitrates are high, i would get them lower before i try drugs. If spastic symptoms continue after nitrates less than 20 then I would medicate for internal parisites. Ony difference is I would use metronidizole instead of praziquantyl. Prazi is for larger parasites like tape worm. Angels usually sucumb to heximeta so you want to use a drug that wipes out flaggelates like metronidizole instead. I bet that high nitrates caused the angel to have an explosion of heximeta. Use met. not prazi. right idea but wrong drug. If you can get your hands on it use levamisol...hard to get thanks to it being a favorite cutting agent with cocaine. Used to reccomend 3 doses of met, one dose lev. No more gut worms guaranteed. Warm up the tank too. Heximita die above 84.5 f and the discus will appreciate it too. Cory cats and bristlenose wont mind hot water either....even if you do it warmer for just a couple weeks.