First Annual fishbox swap meet?


New Member
I came from the great lakes area and often there's some great swap meets I am missing it alot out here in the Northwest. I have brought up the suggestion to GSAS president about creating a swap meet, but seems they are more interested in making money for the club with auctions than hold a swap.

Here is a link example to Greater chicago cichlid association swap

How it works:
Club finds a building, hall, center to rent or ?
Charge sellers like 15 bucks per table
Free admission to public
Post flyers on fishbox , craigslist, GSAS

Why swap meet better than Auction?

1. Your fishes are sold your asking prices. You worked hard on raising these fishes. You get to display them for people to see in person. Seeing in person is better than seeing in pictures.
2. Build your client base. You can hand out business cards and reach out new hobbyists.
3. You can sell your equipments..many look for good used items
4. One central location where all can come and meet. Once we get good turnouts, we can add more frequent swaps throughout the yr.

Open to suggestions. Let's target our first swap this October. Most clubs do not hold swaps during summer months.


New Member
Sounds like fun...

I'd say that this needs lots of good planning and advertising, I tried to vend CreatureFest in chehallis this year and it just bombed completely because certain people didn't do their part.

As far as location... how about somewhere near seatac, lots of members in that area and for those farther north or south it's in the middle, so everyone's happy :p


New Member
I am glad i didn't make the long trip to CreatureFest in chehallis. IDK why they would have had it down there...

And I agree with Jacko, The Seatac area would be a good location.


New Member
We would need to figure out a layout, tables, stalls, etc. Electrical supply, water supply, shops that want to display, what to charge to make it work, lots of stuff. Would it be a full weekend? Would there be enough interest?

Will there be cake? What about punch and pie?

Seems like a daunting task, to say the least. I propose we assemble a review board and bounce ideas around. If we can make it work within reason, then why not?


New Member
we are going to need a place first before we begin making plans. Some halls actually have table and chairs.

Someplace in seattle area would work out best. Wonder how much does it cost GSAS to rent a room for an evening at Seattle Pacific.

It will be a one day event, likely on a saturday.