Fire Spinning in Seattle // Flow Arts Topic

Hello fish lovers :)

Because I'm part of a group that is trying to spread awareness of this ever growing art form, I'd like to share it with you all :)
SeattleFireGate is the group that consists of people who are into flow arts.

What is flow arts, you ask?
Flow Arts is a fast-growing fitness and meditation practice that blends play, exercise and dance into a fun and healthful activity that moves the body, stills the mind and uplifts the spirit. It's a physical workout that is also a brain booster, a relaxing way to chill out, and a compelling performance art.  

I'll post future fire spinning events and dates in this thread, so if you ever want to watch me and my friends do something we love, please come down and watch :)

If you're ever in the Kitsap Area, I just started out a group called "Kitsap Flow Arts" which focuses more on non-fire flow arts, and I would definitely appreciated it if you went to my page and "like" it!

Here's a short video of me spinning fire, and how it looks like.
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Here are a couple more flow-related videos (some fire, some non-fire)
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It's like dancing and marital arts rolled into one....WOW!!

The prince would be envious of your skillz!
JimA, LOL!!! Now, I do use a levitation wand, that does kinda look like a baton =P Lots of people were there, and it was a lot of fun indeed! :) Hope to see some fishbox members  there! :)

theChad, HEHEHE!! Fire bendiiiiiing!!! :)
I have a video from last night's spinurn... I'll have to upload it tomorrow and post it on here when I get the chance :)
But for now, here's a picture from last night! :)


New Member
thats a pretty slick pic you got there poke...if i didnt have so many damn hobbies vying for time, it=d love to give it a try
JimA, you said baton? Here's your baton! BUT THIS TIME, ON FIRE!! Hahaha... oh and it's attached to string, but because there was so much ambient light, the string can easily be seen. The illusion is to make it look like it's a levitation wand, but... you can just imagine that the string isn't there. Hahaha!! :D

nick_76, thanks! Well hey, you can always learn in your spare time, or you know..when you're bored hehehe... if you manage to come down to one of the events, just approach me, and I'd be more than happy to teach you a thing or two! :) You'll be spinning fire in no time! Hahahaha
Just a couple shots of our group (SeattleFireGate) from last night. We had a professional Photographer come and take shots of us. I will update with more pictures, as they pop out. :D But for now, group photo!



New Member
This is so amazing...what a fun thing and spectacular to watch I am sure. Maybe some day John and I (in his retired time...yeah) can make it over for a performance. That would be awesome.
cichlid-gal: That would be amazing! OR OR OR... maybe if WaFishBox, or Aquarium Co-Op hosts some kind of party that leads into the night, I could spin fire for everyone there! :) it would be awesome, we get to talk fish, and have a small fire show! :)
Bumping for ShortyKiloGyrl :D Here are some of my favorite shots! Click to enlarge!
(Note: there are also some videos that I posted in previous posts, so don't be scared to scroll up =P)
I've never heard of the event... so I don't think I will be there. I'm not sure if there will be any fire spinning at the event, unless the event planner hired a troupe or something... hehe


New Member
Yea not sure if they will be or not, i know my daughter learned how to spin Poi balls when she was in hawaii. But no way we're lighting She isn't that good yet.. :)
hahahaha, I think it would be great to have your daughter spinning poi when she gets older! I do know that the art of spinning non-fire poi balls, are similar, but focuses more on rhythm and hitting the poi against your body to make patterned beats. It's basically what fire spinning derived from! :D