filtration thoughts/recommendations for 50 & 75gal


New Member
Hi all,
I am in the planning stages with a couple tanks and was hoping to get some advice on filtration
I have a 75gal with a green phantom plec and I have a pair of red spotted severum on order. In addition to this I plan on adding a school of cords and a school of maybe Odessa barbs. For this tank I have a eheim canister 2260.
I am planning on buying a 50gal tank soon for smaller fish. This tank will have a school of dwarf neon rainbow fish and a smaller species of plecos. Not sure what else. Need to do some more research but I would like to have a pair of kribensis in one of these systems. For filtration on this system I have a Tunze riverpack 605.
What I keep debating on is whether I would be better off building a sump for the 75 and using either the eheim or Tunze on the 50? I know a sump is better for a larger system but not sure if I would notice a lot of difference on this size system? Just not sure if it is worth the expense of building the sump?
Any input is appreciated



New Member
Anyone use pool filter sand as a substrate? any cons to using it? Looks much cheaper than standard aquarium sand substrate. Is there a specific brand or type to use?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I use pool filter sand in almost all of my tanks. The only real con I can think of is the possibility of sand getting into some types of filters -- hobs mostly. (I have fish that dig and carry and spit sand.) I don't do many live plants, but I don't think it would be a good substrate for that.

I use Target brand pool filter sand that I've purchased at McClendon's or at spa/hot tub places.


I have a 30g that I use pool filter sand in, and it works great, and I also just set up a 210g tank using the sand. It's not bad and seems to work pretty good. I got mine from Ace Hardware.


New Member
I'm not familiar with it but I am guessing corys would like it? What color is it?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'd call it tan.



Well-Known Member
There has been some documentation that the ace hardware pool sand can cut bottom feeders. I have tried it myself without issue. I switched to lapis luster sand. Comes is different sizes, you can get it from It runs about $20 for 100lbs.

As for filtration. You can't go wrong with a sump. Better filtration, easier to maintain, can handle bigger bio loads.